
Joe's Jinxed Life

November 29th, 2023 3:08 pm
Some people will walk all over you with the shoes you bought them.” Karma Quotes

November 29, 2023, And Every Wednesday

By Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
(Check out Lest We Forget and FYi.)

Everybody knows animals can spot a bad person a mile away. That’s why Joe goes through dogs like Kleenex. 

It’s why his son is such a mess.

Kipling wrote that only God can make a tree. That could explain why Joe has struck out with trees, too. His Catholic stance on abortion has made people, including trees, distrust him. 

Joe has led a Jinxed Existence. Just look at his Life Resume. Corruption, dementia, war and no peace.

Last night the White House Christmas tree keeled over. The official explanation was “the wind” did it, but we know it’s because the tree just didn’t want to be there.

The West Virginia 40-foot Norway spruce was clearly upset about the coal miners in her home state. And about Joe Manchin.

And it’s interesting that was not the first White House tree this year. A previous one had to be replaced after becoming infected  with a “needle cast” disease.

Do you see a trend here?

Joe, like Obama before him, manages to ruin every holiday, every year destroying yet another American custom.

This year Joe left “God” out of his Thanksgiving speech. They did the same thing at the Democratic Convention in 2011, so it’s nothing new.

This year Joe and The Doctor left the Christmas stocking for his grandchild, Navy, off the White House mantel. 

But in his customary fashion, Joe avoided talking about it. He simply didn’t hang his other grandkid’s stockings. 

It’s the same way he runs our country. Without a whole lot of interest. As a result, unlike his own “business” enterprises, America’s not looking so hot.

It’s because Joe doesn’t make time to concentrate on much.

He didn’t choose to stay in the White House over Thanksgiving, while Americans and Israelis are being held hostage in Gaza.

Trump stayed in D.C. over Christmas in 2018 just for a government shutdown because he said he didn't think it was right to be at Mar-a-Lago while workers were out of a job in D.C.

Like Joe, when the Goin’ Gets Tough, Democrats Get Going…out of the country. 

This month Louisiana Mayor LaToya Cantrell left for Nairobi, Kenya, “to develop an internationally legally binding instrument on plastic pollution.”

Earlier this year, Houston Mayor Turner led a trade mission to West Africa.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams visited Latin America last month, much like Vice President Harris did, seeking answers to American questions.

During his trip, Adams called for “a right to work,” for migrants to the U.S.

“When you look at Colombia, they have really shown how to absorb individuals into their societies, and one of the most important ways to do it is to allow people to work,” Adams told reporters.

“Nothing is more humane, and nothing is more American than your right to work, and we believe that is a right we should extend.”

He didn’t mention the inherent power of a closed border.

And, it seems, if you drive a car in D.C., the only way to survive is to have a stick shift. Crooks don’t know how to drive them.

Mayor Bowser isn’t going to help, even though there have been 900 car jackings to date in her broken city. 

She’s in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, plugging D.C. tourism and addressing climate change at the U.N. Climate Change Conference.

Qatar. That’s the same place Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is living while Palestinian people are in the middle of war in Gaza, helpless under the Hamas government they elected.

With mayors travelling hither, thither and yon. 

With Joe ducking out of town while Rome burns, it makes you wonder, “Who’s watching the store?”

Hold the line, America.
Stay strong, Patriots.

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