
We've Run Out of Road

July 9th, 2024 9:37 am
“You know you’re getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you’re down there.” George Burns

July 10, 2024, And Every Wednesday

By Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
(Check out Lest We Forget and FYI.)

Tough times call for tough solutions.

Years ago Eskimos would load a sick and dying family member onto an ice floe, and float him out to sea, where he would freeze and starve to death.

“Senicide.” It was awful, but made economic sense. 

Survival was hard enough for the Eskimo people living in a harsh environment, without having to feed and clothe an adult who couldn’t contribute.

And there were spiritual reasons. 
It was a way to remember the person as he used to be. So that he didn’t have to endure the embarrassment of senility, and the humiliation of gradually losing the use of his body.
So the person could die with dignity.

But that was a long time ago. When it was done, it was rare, and it’s not done anymore.
We don’t do that. Instead we place our senile elders in the Oval Office.

With Joe we are supposed to ignore the fact that he isn’t running the show. That he can’t. The media, Hollywood, The Doctor say he’s fine. Sharp as a tack.

Years ago, Americans used to have a say in choosing a president. But not anymore. 

A few weeks ago the president’s son quietly took over the role of Un-elected Pseudo-President, or at the very least, self-appointed advisor to Joe.

Years ago, there was a two-term limit on serving as president. But not anymore. 

Obama is serving his third term, in today’s Shadow Government. 
And, once again, we’re not surprised. We’ve learned that the rules don’t apply to the Biden Crime Family. They are above the law.
Hunter managed to have his federal Tax Trial rescheduled from June to September, while he urges his dad to remain in office, ostensibly so he can be pardoned. 
None of this would ever happen for you if you didn’t pay your taxes. It certainly didn’t for Al Capone.
So, as we are forced to watch Joe stumble, bumble, and vacantly stare, the details of his yearly medical report are kept secret. 
“For security reasons,” Karine Jean-Pierre told CBS reporter Ed O’Keefe. 
“For privacy reasons,” she said.
But President Trump’s medical records were not kept secret. In fact, the FBI has copies.
And his doctor, now Rep. Ronny Jackson, when he examined Trump, gave a press conference about Trump’s physical exam, and answered reporters’ questions.

We just celebrated the Fourth of July, and of course, reflected on the Founding Fathers of our country.

James Madison, the chief author of the Bill of Rights.

Benjamin Franklin who not only worked in a printing business when he was 14, later franchising it, selling paper, ink and printing presses to other printers, discovered electricity, and negotiated with France for funds to fight the American Revolutionary War.

And Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence. 

There is no one in our government today, including the sitting president, who is intelligent enough, and who would work hard enough to do anything these men did.

Today we are forced to accept that it's acceptable for our president to tell Democrat governors at a meeting at the White House last week, that part of “his plan” is to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m. so that he can get more sleep.

Today we have a president who has to practice standing up to prepare for a presidential debate, yet insists on running for president of the United States of America.

Years ago, there used to be people of quality serving in our government. 

At a White House dinner honoring Nobel Prize winners in 1962, JFK paid honor to one of them.

“Someone once said that Thomas Jefferson was a gentleman of 32,” he said, “who could calculate an eclipse, survey an estate, tie an artery, plan an edifice, try a cause, break a horse and dance the minuet.” 

“I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, (Nobel honorees) of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.”

Hold the line, America.
Stay strong, Patriots.

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