
Making Political Lemonade Out of Democrat Lemons

April 17th, 2024 3:06 pm

“They laugh at your ‘little business,’ until your ‘little business’ starts making more in a month than they do in a year.”

April 17, 2024, And Every Wednesday

By Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.


Who would ever have imagined that a concentration of Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan, would ever be a national security problem, even though Dearborn has the largest Muslim population in the U.S. Per capita.

Who would be that silly?

And who could possibly be distressed when hearing “Death to America” being chanted in Dearborn last week, the same chant heard after John Kerry finalized Obama’s-Iran-Deal. 

In Iran.

Turns out the crowd in Dearborn was celebrating “Al-Quds Day,” an annual pro-Palestinian event held on the last Friday of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. 

And who doesn’t love the Freedom of Religion and Speech clause in our Constitution which protects Al-Quds Day.

Like the freedom of expression clause in the Iranian Constitution that exists except when it is “detrimental to the fundamental principles of Islam,” and the protection doubtlessly given to all religions in a country where 99 percent of its citizens are Muslim. 

Critics of Al-Quds Day argue that the celebration is anti-Semitic, which makes sense, since celebrations have featured chants of “Death to Israel,” and the trampling and burning of the Israeli flag.

Activist Tarek Bazzi led the Dearborn rally, and included a quote from Malcolm X.

“The U.S. is one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this earth,” he shouted.

“It’s not just Genocide Joe that has to go. It is the entire system that has to go. 

“Any system that would allow such atrocities (U.S. funding of Israel), and such devilry to happen, and would support it – such a system does not deserve to exist on God’s Earth.”

Bazzi is affiliated with the Hadi Institute, an organization, in America, which focusses on youth education, “raising productive Muslims,” teaching “by example,” examples such as what we saw in the Dearborn rally.

The Founding Fathers wrote a Constitution which is now unfortunately being used for all the wrong reasons.

But, hey, times change. 

Who would have thought gagging Trump and keeping him cooped up daily, for six weeks, in a New York City courtroom wouldn’t take him down for the count?  The way it was intended.

And who among us would have thought that the new Kangaroo Court System of Law in The Donald’s New York City’s Stormy Daniels trial this week would lead to a new kind of campaigning, Trump’s Art of the Campaign?

Forced to sit through jury selection with the threat of jail if he didn’t, Trump didn’t let any grass grow under his feet. 

He campaigned after court. 

Yesterday he visited the Harlem bodega (which, unlike Joe's wife, Trump knew how to pronounce), where a clerk, Jose Alba, stabbed a man who attacked him with a knife, and was subsequently charged with murder and sent to Rikers.

A coalition of outraged bodega owners rallied to Alba’s defense, and charges against him were later dropped. But Alba was so crushed by the incident he chose to return to his native Dominican Republic.

Just like former Senate aide Tara Reide who left the U.S. to live in Russia after being harassed for accusing Joe Biden of sexual assault. 

The crowds yesterday outside at the bodega, cheered “Four more years,” and “We love Trump,” although the Leftist news outlets didn’t report it that way.

Trump was doing what Teddy Roosevelt has been quoted as saying, “Do what you can, with what you’ve got, where you are.”

So, Trump starts another “little business” while on trial.

He sells Bibles, gold sneakers, and campaigns after the New York City kangaroo trial court adjourns for the day.

CNN and the rest can laugh at him, but when times gets tough, The Donald doesn’t disappoint. 

He takes whatever Joe Biden throws at him, and makes tasty lemonade out of Democrat lemons.

Hold the line, America.
Stay strong, Patriots.


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