
Showing Up Is Half the Battle

September 4th, 2024 9:19 am
“Doing nothing is very hard to do. You never know when you’re finished.” Leslie Nielsen

September 4, 2024, And Every Wednesday

By Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
(Check out Lest We Forget and FYI.)


If Americans are spending sleepless nights fretting about money, so is Joe. It’s the reason he hasn’t been speaking to anyone for weeks.

Or showing up for work. Or speaking to Nancy Pelosi.

He’s annoyed. He’s no longer “The Big Guy.” 

His sources of income have been squelched. The spigot shut off. Bummer! The only thing he has to look forward to is pardoning Hunter. 

What’s eerie is that Joe and Kamala are so alike. Like politician brothers from a different mother.

It’s an accepted fact that neither has the smarts that it takes to do the job. That both are two of the Dumbest. Meanest. Laziest. Greediest.

Yet both were pushed to hold the two highest offices in the land.

Now Kamala Harris is running for president, but what she really, really wants to do is be an Influencer.

Like the Kardashians. All glitz and no work. All the perks without commitment. Like Joe,
Kamala is unable to talk in complete sentences, and Joe chooses not to.

When asked his position on threats to the U.S. from Iran, Joe said, “Don’t.”

When asked whether Prime Minister Netanyahu had done enough to secure a hostage deal after six hostages were executed, Joe said, “No.”

That sums up the president of the United States’ foreign policy. And probably Kamala’s.

However, both are good at doing nothing, not preparing for anything, and handing out free taxpayer money.

And it has become clear both know as little about economics as Treasury Secretary Yellen does, and so they keep on giving ‘til it hurts. 

‘Til it hurts us, not them.

Why should they care about the price of tea in China. When it comes to money, the Joe Administration is doing pretty well, incompetency and all. 

Joe gets paid $400,000 a year, Kamala $235,000. Trump worked like a dog and donated his paycheck, while Joe and Kamala don’t have to do a tap of work. Someone else – we don’t know who -- is doing it for them.

Nice work if you can get it. George didn’t. 

In 1789 President Washington was paid just $25,000; Vice President John Adams $3,500. And they had just fought through a “difficult” time with England, but still managed to show up for work.

Since Joe “patriotically stepped down,” as Nancy Pelosi described it, he’s been snoozing for a couple of weeks on a Rehoboth beach, after returning from a two-week vacation at a California billionaire donor’s mansion. 

Kamala? She’s been Joe-Basement-Campaigning by hiding in plain sight so she won’t accidentally be interviewed, and has to talk.

It’s a head-scratcher. Here we are, but there are questions. Good ones.

Would Joe still have retired if Trump had been killed?

Was Sen. Schumer right?  Was Trump foolish to criticize Joe’s FBI and DOJ? 

Was Schumer predicting the future when he gleefully said, in reference to Trump, “Let me tell you, you take on the Intelligence Community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

But the most important question of all is whether Kamala’s down-South, I’m-Talking-Down-to-My Ignorant-Audience accent better than Hillary’s? 

I think it all depends on whether Kamala uses hot sauce on the collards she told a voter she washed in her bathtub. “I am not lying to you,” she giggled, saying she washed lots of greens for a friend’s Christmas Eve party.

"I’m telling you the truth,” she insisted. 

And I believe she is. She probably washed them just before her shift at McDonald’s. That was before Joe’s uncle got eaten by cannibals.

Because, like Joe, Kamala never tells a lie.

Hold the line, America.
Stay strong Patriots.

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