"If I want to knock a news story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle." Hillary Rodham Clinton
August 31, 2016
By: Linda Case Gibbons
They may not have stolen Fizzy Lifting Drinks, but the media, in the Age of Obama, have stolen something more important: The right of the American people to receive all the news that's fit to print.
In the words of the late Willie Wonka, "You lose! Good day, sir!"
Who knows "Who, What, When, Where and How" it happened, but the new normal "newsmen" can't find the main theme in a speech, even if their lives depended on it.
Or maybe they can, and deliberately don't.
It could be the reason the public doesn't trust them. It could be why some say they are corrupt.
This week, the media made fools of themselves. The whole motley bunch, including, but not limited to, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and yes, FOX News, covered Trump's "South of the Border, Down Mexico Way" speech, and zeroed in on only one thing: That Trump didn't nail down whether Mexico would pay for the wall!
It wasn't tops on our list of burning issues, or anyone else's for that matter, but that's what they did.
They didn't bother reporting the central issue of the speech, one critical to the presidential race: Immigration.
Trump went to Mexico to clarify his position on immigration.
Hillary didn't go, because of her position on immigration.
And why would she go? And why would they report it?
She's for wide open borders, protecting illegal immigrants, not Americans, sanctuary cities, and cannot wait to be elected so she can put out the Welcome Mat for 500 percent more Syrian refugees, whom her husband says can rebuild the "abandoned houses in Detroit."
Yes, he actually said that.
The problem for the press was that Trump's speech was strong and simple. It had Five Points, which Trump carefully delineated, the essence being:
The U.S. is a sovereign nation, and has the right, and duty, to protect its borders, its economy, and its people, as does Mexico.
He emphasized the mutual benefit of both countries, in this hemisphere, working together.
A five-year-old could sit down and write a paper on it. But not the media. It was way over their heads.
But is it the media's fault?
The poor saps were thrown for a loop when they heard an American leader actually defend the U.S., to another country, while in another country.
Obama doesn't do it. Neither does Kerry.
After eight long years of Obama's America-Bashing Apology Tours, the misguided media are tone deaf to common sense rhetoric, and words describing America as exceptional.
Obama doesn't do it. Neither does Kerry.
They were stunned to hear a powerful speech, from a man who obviously loves his country, who isn't afraid to swim with sharks, or field questions from a hostile press.
And they saw firsthand, leadership qualities in Trump, which stood in stark contrast to President Obama's social awkwardness:
A sullen Obama's inability to meet President Putin's eyes at the 2014 APEC Meeting in Beijing;
An enabling Obama, permitting Mexico's President Felipe Calderon to address a joint session of the U.S. Congress, and allowing him to condemn Arizona's immigration law as being too tough on Mexico!
And a furious Obama, sputtering in opposition to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu delivering an address before the same Congress, to plead his case against the Iranian deal.
The press misses a lot on purpose. They didn't mention the easy rapport between Trump and Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto.
Or that Trump was able to turn on a dime, and accept the important invitation to visit Mexico.
And Hillary didn't.
Or that he flew without fanfare to Mexico, at his own expense, and disrupted nothing, the same way he did in Louisiana.
And Hillary didn't.
Yes, the media is a pretty savvy group.
I shudder to think what they would do if they were assigned to cover Abe's Gettysburg Address.
They'd probably ask him if he was "on the take" from Staples, "Writing your speech on an envelope, as you have, sir," and ask him why his speech was only 272 words long.
And they'd conveniently forget to mention he was a Republican.
If Jesus Christ gave a press conference, while raising Lazarus from the dead, they'd probably criticize his sandals.
In the end, the media diverted and protected the liberal party line as they always do, delivering a musical comedy spin to the news.
Because if they didn't do that, friends, they would have had to admit what a great speech it was!
But it still doesn't seem right, does it?
R.I.P. Willy Wonka.
Hold the line, America.