
Spock Must be Spinning in His Grave

July 8th, 2015 5:58 pm

"If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." Anatole France, French Poet and Nobel Prize Winner


July 8, 2015


By: Linda Case Gibbons


          Didn't you always suspect that "Rational Thought" was just another example of "White Privilege?"

          I mean, who wouldn't?

          And now we have it straight from The New York Times' mouth, by way of a Syracuse University professor's mouth.

          Prof. John Caputo has concluded that "Pure reason" is simply a "white male Euro-Christian construction."

          Of course it is.

          But you'd know that if you kept up with the folks at MTV. They know what's what, and they say white people have a lot to be ashamed of.

          They even have a new project, "White People," where tearful millenniums are led through the realization of their white shame, by illegal immigrant director, Jose Antonio Vargas.

          What's not to like about a project like that, and who better to do it than an illegal immigrant.

          The repentant kids in this documentary weep onscreen when they are brought to the realization (or have been told to realize) how much shame they should have because they are white, and what white people have done throughout America's history.

          No, not the good stuff they've done, just the bad stuff.

          It's like an evening with Barack Obama.

          And who better to guide these kids through the record of our nation's history than an illegal immigrant.

          MTV also offers a seven-day racial bias cleanse, with daily tasks that will help de-bias yourself -- if you're white.

         No. I'm serious.

          I don't know at what point it will be okay to be white again, but I don't think it's anytime soon. After all, look how poorly illegal immigrants and black Americans are treated by white Americans.

          If you're a "Dreamer," this month you can sign up for a free, 10-week internship at the University of Los Angeles.

          Janet "Big Sis" Napolitano, formerly of the Department of Justice, is now the president of the University of California and is back doing her thing.

          Under her able guidance, UCLA has now included a course designed specifically for undocumented immigrants.

          It's free. Not for your kids. For citizens of another country.

          And the course goals? To encourage undocumented youth to push for nationwide immigration reform and advocate for universal healthcare.

          To help them become activists.

          Seth Ronquillo, a spokesman for the Dream Resource Center, said the program was created after the DREAM Act was not passed by Congress.

          "Many of the participants in the program go on to become the leaders of the immigration movement," he said. "By working in social justice organizations, they are given the resources they need to continue in activism."

          Just where I wanted my taxpayer dollars to go. How about you?

          If you're an illegal, and especially if you're a felon, you can high tail it to a Sanctuary City (there are 100 of them nationwide) and live the life of Reilly.

          While there you can shoot and kill a young -- white -- woman after being deported back to Mexico five times Then you can watch while San Francisco law enforcement denies responsibility, the White House is silent and are told that Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson didn't even know who Kate Steinle was. A Congressman asked him at a hearing...about homeland security.

          I bet he knows who Freddie Gray is.

          Kate's murderer, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, made a beeline to the City by the Bay because he knew he would be safe from the feds there.

          That's where Kate Steinle died in her father's arms. After Lopez-Sanchez shot her.

          Then how about freedom of speech? I bet that's only for the lily white. Gotta' be some White Privilege there.

          Take a look at Prof. Zandria Robinson.

          This black American woman taught sociology at the University of Memphis and said whatever came into her mind, racist trash talk that even a 14-year-old kid wouldn't say. And she posted it on social media.

          "Whiteness is most certainly and inevitably terror," she said, and, "I don't want my daughter in school with snotty privileged whites, or self-hating blacks or New Blacks or Uber Christian blacks."

          Gosh. If you're white, wouldn't you love being in her class?

          What happened to her for talking that way, theoretically an educated woman who educates your children?

          Did Macy's cut her off and say, "Begone with you!"

          Did the Federal Aviation Administration take her name off three navigation points above Palm Beach International Airport?

          Did she lose a ton of money?

          Did the Republican Establishment say, "Tsk, tsk."

         No. There was some sputter, but not much. She left the job she had and went on to yet another teaching job. Her feet barely hit the pavement before she was hired by Rhodes College, who praised her for her "provocative" comments.

          Some might say her remarks were those of a terrorist, but when the dust settled, when it came to her, it was just called free speech. No big deal.

          It seems that I must be missing something. Where exactly does the White Privilege come in?

          It seems the other way around, doesn't it? Black Privilege? Mexican Privilege? Nasty Hateful Privilege?

          Wait a sec! If it's not White Privilege, I betcha' I know what it is.

          Global warming!

          Hold the line, America.
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