
Obama Whines While America Burns

June 25th, 2014 10:29 pm
"The American people, their elected representatives and the Supreme Court have all expressed serious concerns about the president’s failure to follow the Constitution.” Michael Steel

June 25, 2014
By: Linda Case Gibbons
          It took God six days to create heaven and earth and the seas and all that is in them, with the seventh as a day of rest. And he was omnipotent.
          It took Barack Obama only six years to create a whole new America with time left over for some great games of golf.
          And our president is not done yet.
          In this new America there is no rule of law. No accountability. No punishment for poor job performance by government employees.
          Right and wrong as you knew it before 2008 has all changed.
          Today the government doesn’t promise a Chicken in Every Pot, but their Finger in Every Pie.
          If you’re a government employee and sent e-mails that could be evidence in a legal prosecution, "shred ‘em” by crashing your computer. And tell the people you sent them to to do the same.
          If you haven’t done anything illegal, take the Fifth. 
          If you have done something illegal, change the players. The IRS has gone through four head honchos since last May. It’s worked so far.
          If you want a job in this administration, forget everything you know about your job, especially if you’re called to testify before a Congressional Committee…to answer questions about your job. 
          In that case, "I don’t know,” "I only just learned about that in the media,” and "What me worry?” are your best bet. 
         And be prepared to always be surprised. 
         "What?” you should say. "That happened!” I didn’t know!” when asked to testify about your government job, Benghazi, IRS targeting, or any of the other
           White House scandals. 
           If "they” call them scandals, you call them phony. If they press you for answers, smirk and be arrogant.
           If the American people get persnickety, demanding answers, saying you broke the law, investigate yourselves, then send yourselves to your rooms.
           If you’re a Democrat, tell everyone how poor you are. 
           If you’re attacked for saying you’re dead broke, get your husband to defend you by saying you have always been an advocate for "ordinary people.” That always goes over big with us "ordinary people.”
           If it’s good news, like withdrawal of our troops from Iraq, if you’re the president, claim you did it. 
           If it’s bad news, like withdrawal of our troops from Iraq now, claim the president of Iraq did it.
           If there’s an election coming up, and it seems there always is one for this administration and its minions, take whatever policy position works at the moment and run with it.
           So if it’s an anti-Muslim video that’s needed to ensure the next election, the policy is "go with that.” 
           If a scandal surfaces involving the targeting of conservative groups by governmental agencies, tell the American people, "Make no mistake, I will not rest until the people responsible are brought to justice.” And then forget about it.
           If you wondered what Third World-type refugee camps are like, now you can see firsthand, complete with rampant diseases, right here in America, down Mexico way. 
          Those in this administration may not exhibit bravery very often, but wide open borders don’t make them flinch. 
          In fact, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi thinks droves of immigrants flooding into our country illegally is more of an "opportunity” than a ”crisis” and looks forward to  greeting them personally at the border.
          Go figure.
          Weak leadership, crackpot ideas like Pelosi’s and the president’s dithering over foreign policy decisions have put Americans in harm’s way.
          Coupled with a refusal to admit the existence of Muslim terrorists and scrubbing our language clean of any "hurtful words” like "Muslim terrorists,” has sent the signal to a newer and meaner terrorist group that the field is wide open for them.
          ISIS, a terrorist group even too terrible for al Qaeda to pal around with, has grown to become a full-fledged army during this president’s administration, amply funded by pillaged wealth and so fully organized that it has just issued its second annual report.
          Yes, this administration has taken our country far from being the "Greatest Generation,” to becoming the kid none of our Allies wants to pick for their baseball team.
          Our allies don’t trust us and our enemies don’t fear us.
          Self-absorption, personal arrogance and concern for one’s political future has become the rule of law during this administration.
          If a matter of national security threatens an election, this administration and the Democratic Party chooses protecting the outcome of the election.
          Readying for a presidential bid, Hillary Clinton distanced herself from the stench of Benghazi by confessing she didn’t want to go along with the president’s plan to blame an anti-Muslim video for the attack on Benghazi. Actually she whined.
          She consulted her husband and he agreed with her. It was wrong. But she did it anyway. 
          Values? What values. And she’s running for president.
          The president doesn’t like being fenced in by anyone or anything, not by Separation of Powers, the Constitution, or the Supreme Court. It has something to do with the chip on his shoulder.
          When the Supreme Court gave him what he wanted in the Obamacare decision, he was giddy with delight. But when the Supreme Court handed down its decision limiting his overreach in Senate recess appointments, he took to the campaign trail and whined about it in Minneapolis.
          Priorities are puzzling with this White House. 
          Recently, while the Middle East is blowing up in America’s face, Secretary of State Kerry announced that he hopes to include more gay ambassadors in the state department.
          Recently, while illegal aliens swarm over our unprotected border, the president arranged to meet "Dreamers” at the White House to praise them, I guess, for their illegal status, then flew off to New York to speak at the Democratic National Committee’s annual Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender gala to gather up some more campaign contributions.
          Priorities? Hard to figure out.
          But I can see how the fantasy that Obama’s Brave New World offers can be appealing.
          U.S. productivity fell 2.5 percent this quarter, for the first time in our history; our country is "dead broke” and plagued by a multitude of worries; college students cannot recognize a photo of the vice president of the United States; illegal aliens have the gall to be angry when they do not get their full complement of U.S. benefits; and Mexican choppers feel they can fire on our border agents with impunity.
          Lack of leadership has taken its toll on America.
          Speaking in Minneapolis this week, Obama was as out of touch as Hillary Clinton. He complained about Republicans blocking him and calling him names and how he has been victimized by "fabricated issues,” and "phony scandals.”  
          But no one was in the mood for his pity party. 
          America is burning and Americans are not pleased that the only thing our president knows how to do is whine.
          Hold the line, America.
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