
Whose Side Are They On?

December 17th, 2014 10:50 pm

"He knows nothing and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career.” George Bernard Shaw


December 17, 2014


By: Linda Case Gibbons


          Race riots in the streets. Open season on cops. Unsecured U.S. borders and foreign policy in tatters.

          It’s the face of America today, carefully crafted by the politicians in office, from the top down, on through city government.

          It all can be traced back to the money. That’s where the trouble begins.

          Money chooses the candidates: The leaders who can’t lead, the ones who stoke the fires of racism and after they are elected, prove to be woefully incompetent.

          They fight dirty, lie to us and once in office, don’t do the job.

          It doesn’t matter what party it is, at the end of the day we have politicians like the ones you see on the cover of Edward Klein’s book "The Blood Feud.”

          Angry, self-involved "Non-Leaders” who will say and do whatever is necessary to get them in office and more of the same to keep themselves there.

          Dithering and blaming others is the way they roll. Decisions are hard for them, but they love to lecture, make laws, pass rules, issue edicts and memoranda which apply to you and me, but not to them.

          They insult our veterans and allies, embrace Iran and Cuba, weep bitter tears for misunderstood Muslim terrorists and illegal immigrants.

          It is the process which gets police officers and soldiers killed, American companies hacked and gives violent protesters license to trample on our laws.

          Money doesn’t bother to question the candidate’s character or his beliefs.

          He is never asked what he’s willing to fight for. Or what he's prepared to die for.

          He can hobnob with Communists, favor lawbreakers, sneer at the American flag and Constitution and still get elected.

          No, we don’t get to have a choice. Money chooses.

          We’re used and abused and they don’t even buy us dinner first!

          So here we are. Two years out from the presidential election and the Republican Establishment has already told us who going to be their candidate.

          It’s Jeb. We might want to see a Giuliani, West, Jindal or Walker but we won’t. The "Little Guy” can’t become president anymore. He can’t afford to bankroll it. 

          Jeb Bush is not our choice, but neither were Romney or McCain or Obama. It’s a closed game and only the wealthy and chosen can play.

          Everyone always knew Jeb never wanted to be president. You only had to look at his face.

          But now he does.

          Is it because he’s passionate about leading our country or saving the Constitution? No. It’s because it’s the family business.

          So, it doesn't matter. Republican or Democrat, they're the same party.

          Think back to the two interim landslide victories for Republicans.

          Was it Jeb Bush you were thinking about when you walked into the voting booth? Were you saying to yourself, "I want to stop Obama’s policies and Jeb Bush is just the guy to do it?

          Was Mitt Romney?

          Remember Mitt? He was an Establishment choice.

          Gov. Mitt was stunned that you could order a sandwich with all the fixins’ at a Wawa, but somehow was clever enough to pass his state’s version of Obamacare.

          Then he figured out how to fund the unsustainable Romneycare with $500 million a year in federal funds, thanks to some fancy foot work from Sen. Ted Kennedy. Remember? Gruber told us. He wasn't the only one who thought we were stupid.

          So were we supposed to believe that Mitt, Wawa sandwich in hand, was going to strike down Obamacare when he sat himself down in the Oval Office?

          During the 2012 Republican Convention, Mitt reconfigured GOP rules specifically to exclude grassroots selection of delegates. Remember?

          Were we supposed to believe that he would have carried out the conservative agenda you wanted?

          Yet the Republican Party keeps telling us, "Vote Republican. All we need is to take the House in 2010. The Senate in 2014. We’ll get rid of Obamacare! We’ll secure the borders! Defund amnesty! We’ll tell the truth, and protect our country!”

          But this year, once the smoke cleared on November 5, nothing changed. The president still did whatever the heck he wanted and when he said "Jump!” the Republicans still asked, "How high?”

          These are the candidates the moderate Republican Establishment hands us. The Democrats? Well, they do what Democrats always do, giving us the Clintons, the Obamas, De Blasios, Holders and con men like Al Sharpton.

          And now we have Jeb.

          He’s a nice guy, but don’t forget, he’s the one who said we need amnesty because immigrants are "more fertile” than native U.S. citizens” and can help boost the population decline.

          He supports Common Core, a Washington-driven educational program attempting to standardize what students should know. A lot of people aren’t okay with that. It’s a big deal to standardize children’s minds.

          Wasn’t that called indoctrination back in the day?

          So, the question is, is Jeb Bush the guy you want to take home to mama? If it isn’t, realize that his announcement means he’ll suck up all the money slated for a Republican candidate and that will be that.

          And why is it Jeb? The GOP will tell you it’s because "he can win,” but they said that about McCain and Romney…

          No, in addition to the dynasty thing, the real reason is that the Republican Establishment hates the Tea Party and conservatives and wants to destroy both. They are derisive of them and brutal in their attacks on them, members of their own party, more brutal than the Democrats could ever be. 

          With friends like that, you definitely don’t need enemies. So the question is, who needs the Republicans? And for that matter, who needs the Democrats?

          Our only hope is to get rid of the Fat Cats and the role they play in our political system. The huge amounts of money that must be spent to run for office is never even talked about as being a problem, but it should be because it is.

          With a tab so high, no one but the wealthy and connected can afford to run.

          If we don't push for cutting campaign funding, we won't ever have a candidate who does the job because he wants to lead his country.

          It’s the only way we can ensure that we do not repeat what  we have right now: a president, a mayor, and attorney general who support thugs who shout the disgusting battle cry, "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now.”
          America deserves better than that.
          Hold the line, America.
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