August 28, 2013
By: Linda Case Gibbons
When I lose my job, it’s not about you.
When you sneak into my country, it’s not about you. And it’s definitely not about you being in the shadows!
So if we make Syria and the children tragically killed there about Obama and his red line, we’ll be wrong.
And if President Obama makes Dr. King’s 50th Anniversary all about him, he’ll be wrong.
We get it. He’s black. Holder’s black. Julian Bond is black. Colin Powell is black. But that does not give them the right to trash America with their version of the truth.
We get it, they blame white America; they hate America for its perceived exploitations.
We get it, they believe white America ran up a tab because of slavery and now they’re calling in the loan.
They want retribution, redistribution and to take from "the rich” to give to the poor.
We get it.
On Saturday a raft of black American leaders gathered in Washington, D. C. to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington.
They chose to use this Anniversary to tell the lie that they’ve made no progress in civil rights, America is still doing them dirty, and nothing has changed in America.
Part of the laundry-list of gripes against America came from Martin Luther King III, who, citing the 12 percent unemployment rate in the African-American community, said there are too few jobs.
But no one blamed the current black president.
We know Obama’s not "down with the movement” and has done nothing for black Americans, much to their dismay. In fact, in the six years he has been president, black unemployment has grown.
But members of the black community refuse to say anything about it.
On the Anniversary, no kind words were said about this country.
Shame on all of those who stepped up to use the occasion to blame, not thank, America and shame on the "Civil Rights” leaders who remained silent and let them do it.
In Jesse Jackson’s speech he urged the assembled audience to keep dreaming about the constitutional right to vote; "to stop the madness in North Carolina and Texas (voter I.D.); keep dreaming to go from stop-and-frisk to stop- keep dreaming student loan debt forgiveness as a stimulus.”
But no one blamed the current black president.
Julian Bond’s dream was to continue to march, "for freedom from white supremacy.”
What does that even mean?
Who wants to be led by people like these? Not me.
When Julian Bond believes there is still a fight to be waged against "white supremacy” in America, when he elevates Trayvon Martin to martyr status and misrepresents the Voting Rights Act as something it’s not, he’s wrong.
When Barack Obama apologizes for America’s sins, when he claims this country exploited Third World countries; when Eric Holder insists on trying to stamp out non-existent "poll taxes” and goes after states that pass voter I.D. laws, they’re both wrong.
And when Colin Powell chimes in and attacks voter I.D. laws, he’s wrong, too.
So don’t feel bad if their message does not resonate with you. It doesn’t have to, because they are deliberately overlooking and understating facts.
The fact is that America does not hate her black citizens, so it doesn’t matter if Holder and Obama and Bond, and all the rest think they can push her into a race war because they are consumed by hate.
Because Americans refuse to be pushed.
Angry people such as these are like angry people everywhere. They are angry, and they’re doubly angry that you’re happy. And it pays for them to keep the anger going. That’s why they do it.
So let them rant about racist ideology.
We get it. But we reject it.
Julian Bond was once the rising star of the black movement. But now he’s not. So he’s angry.
Jesse Jackson’s kid, a Congressman, stole money from his campaign fund and Jackson Sr. is probably embarrassed. But he never talks about it. So he’s angry.
Eric Holder continues to hound and target states like Texas about voter legislation even though the Supreme Court ruled against it. So he’s angry.
And we get it, every day, with every speech, on every holiday, on TV and in press conferences or when he jets off for distant shores to speak or vacation once again. Obama’s angry.
He had a rotten childhood. His father left when he was a small child. His mother did the same thing later on. Makes you wonder how he measures up emotionally. But we definitely can tell that he’s angry.
We’re told he holds the realization of his father’s failed "dreams” as life goals for himself – anti-colonialism, heavy taxes and anger against the white establishment. Maybe it's not true, but if it is, it’s downright scary.
Listen. What do you hear? Nothing. Not any one of these people being thankful. There is everything wrong and nothing right with America according to them.
As with a bad relationship with a person you find to be terribly flawed and unworthy, what your criticism of them is really saying is that you really want an entirely different person…or in the case of these black leaders, an entirely different country.
But tough luck for them. That’s not happening because we happen to like the one we have.
But let not your heart be troubled. You, the American people, are in the driver’s seat no matter how it looks. You just have to bob and weave.
We can see Obama following in his father’s footsteps, but remember, Obama Sr.’s goals weren’t even accepted in Kenya, his own country.
The man himself was said to be a liar, a womanizer, and a man who loved them, married them and left them.
Whether this is true or it’s not remains to be seen. We don’t comment out of respect and in good taste because after all, no one is perfect. Unless.
Unless Obama thinks his father’s goals are going to be America’s goals, then we will comment and must examine the man from whom he takes these ideas.
Then if and only if Obama’s/father’s dreams are good for America, count us in, but if they’re not, count us out.
Because we can. This is our country, too.
From what we have read about Obama Sr., he was a fervent supporter of anti-colonialism, anti-white, anti- capitalism who thought mega-taxes were mega good, especially if the taxes were aimed at the "rich.” If it is true, I think we’ll pass on his whole deal and we'll watch his son carefully.
So on this anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s "I Have a Dream” speech, let us hope that the religious spirit of Dr. King will have a resurgence, that all little children will in fact walk together, living a blessed, prosperous life in a free country as Dr. King envisioned.
We believe in Dr. King’s hopeful words, just as we believe in the goodness that is America. And we believe that the story of America is not just for black naysayers to tell. It’s ours, too.
So don’t feel downhearted when Julian Bond or Eric Holder or the rest are judging you and judging America, telling a story that you know just doesn’t ring true. You’re right. It isn’t true.
Instead, what you have to realize is that they are judging you, true, and it’s not by the content of your character, son, it’s by the color of your skin.
Hold the line, America.