"The girl who can’t dance says the band can’t play.” Yiddish Proverb
October 2, 2013
By: Linda Case Gibbons
Only in the "World of Yes, But…” could Obamacare even exist.
The "World of Yes, But…” is not exactly like the Land of Make Believe, but almost.
It’s a world where whatever happens, it is never bad enough, untrue enough or outrageous enough that it can’t be excused away.
In that world it’s okay to lie -- if you think it’s for a good cause.
For instance you can say, "If you like your healthcare provider, you can keep your healthcare provider. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." And, a sure winner, "Your healthcare premiums will go down $2,500…” Stuff like that.
In the "World of "Yes, But…,” you can grant drivers licenses to illegal aliens, and close a public national memorial to World War II vets when they come to visit it for the first and last time in their lives.
All this is fun and easy once you get the hang of it, but there’s gotta’ be a "yes, but.”
"Yes, they’re here illegally, but they do the jobs Americans won’t do.”
"Yes, the Obamacare exchanges didn’t work on opening day, but what these glitches really mean is that online delays signal strong demand for healthcare.” Mandatory healthcare…
You can do wacky, fun comparisons, like comparing glitches in a system for healthcare, to shaking out the "bugs” in an Apple iPhone.
(You’d think, since the bill was passed in 2010, the bugs would have found another place to live. You’d think. But they didn’t.)
I’m probably being picky. And silly when I point out the comparison to iPhones doesn’t work, apples to oranges, that sort of thing. You choose to buy an iPhone and the IRS won’t come sniffing ‘round your tax return if you don’t.
But it’s okay! The comparison is good enough for the "Yes, But…” world.” You go, girl, Kate Sebelius!
But suppose you oppose Obamacare? Well, forget about it. You’re not allowed to oppose Obamacare. Why? Because Obamacare is the "Law of the Land.”
There’s no way to change it, so don’t even try. I know, one out of every two voters doesn’t like this law, but they should. I just told you why. It’s the "Law of the Land.”
And I know, you’ll tell me, as Mark Levin said, the Dred Scott decision was once the Law of the Land. People hated slavery and it was overturned, ending slavery.
And you’ll say Plessy vs. Ferguson was once the Law of the Land. People hated it and it was overturned, ending segregation.
But Obamacare is "The Real Law of the Land,” not like those other ones. How could anyone hate this law?
And, yes, it's the Law of the Land, but that doesn’t mean the president can’t change it. Right? He’s been doing it for three years.
For instance, Obamacare was signed into law in March, 2010. By June of 2011, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kate Sebelius had granted waivers to 1,372 entities with labor unions getting 50 percent of the waivers.
Although the employer mandate was due to kick in at the end of this year, the president put it on hold for a couple of years -- until after the 2014 elections.
When members of Congress and federal workers mistakenly got lumped in with the rest of us, the president realized they couldn’t afford Obamacare so he gave them an exemption and hefty subsidies regardless of their income. Just a glitch. Needed changing.
So, we can agree. Change is good. Yes, Congress is supposed to do these changes, but they didn’t, so the president had to.
You have to realize, Obamacare was never intended to provide healthcare for poor people. It was just sold that way. It was always intended as a way to redistribute wealth and force America into socialized medicine.
Those are big problems, but the biggest problem is that the shipping and handling cost of Obamacare comes with too high a price.
Like identity theft. People’s lives have been destroyed when their identities are stolen.
So, let me ask you? When it comes to "navigating” your way around Obamacare, "identity theft-wise,” is the leftist agitator group ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) the first group that springs to your mind to do the job?
Or maybe Planned Parenthood? To tell us how it all works? How about the scandal-ridden, conservative-targeting IRS being in charge of making sure we toe the line?
What’s that you say? You say you remember the undercover videos in 2009 taken by James O’Keefe which showed ACORN employees giving advice on how to lie to the government, commit fraud and trick banks into providing loans for brothels?
Ditto for something similar for Planned Parenthood, undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood employees advising actors posing as pimps how to get abortions, testing and birth control for their underage prostitutes?
And you already know how those scamps at the IRS can get into mischief. How the paid "rent a mob” members of SEIU (Service Employees International Union) love to go to protest rallies with their Obamaphones.
You say you recall that because of their behavior, Congress told ACORN, "No more funding for you,” and passed the "Defund ACORN Act?”
Well, the Act also prohibited any "federal contract, grant, cooperative agreement or any other form of agreement.”
"Our government must be vigilant in ensuring that organizations that are found to act fraudulently do not receive taxpayer dollars,” one Democrat said when the act was passed, wholeheartedly agreeing with the defunding.
So what does the government do? Selects workers from ACORN, SEIU and Planned Parenthood to run Obamacare exchanges.
This worries you, you say? Now you’re being silly.
So what if these navigators take all, and I mean all of your achingly personal information, social security number, tax information, income, medical history, right on down to what radio station you listen to?
Listen, the president knows and likes these people. He even represented ACORN as a young lawyer back in 1995 and later trained its staff. So how could this be a bad thing?
But all this has got me to thinking.
In his book, "Obama’s America,” Dinesh D’Sousa talks about the mentors in Barack Obama’s life.
One of them is Roberto Mangabeira Unger, a Brazilian socialist, lead anti-colonial legal scholar and Obama’s professor at Harvard.
Unger believes that legal decisions should not take the language of the U.S. Constitution too seriously; that the Constitution basically means what we want it to mean.
Because the world is grossly unequal in the distribution of resources and power, he believes "all citizens are entitled to certain things such as healthcare and jobs… and if other people’s property gets in the way, that property has to be seized in order to meet the social entitlement.”
Unger calls for an end to immigration laws in the West that prevent a free traffic of people across national borders, because, he believes, "Everyone is socially entitled to seek opportunity where it can be found.”
Finally he calls for a global coalition to reduce the influence of the United States. He calls this a "ganging up of lesser powers against the U.S.,” specially calling for China, India, Russia and Brazil to lead this anti-American coalition
So look around you. Does this make you see Obamacare in a new light or is it still just a healthcare law?
But hey, let’s not get too serious here. Yes, don’t worry. Of course there's still Hope and Change, but you can’t change what you can’t change, right?
Well, you can’t, but the president sure can.
And to quote the extremely quotable Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?”
Like that little upset in Benghazi, this time around it’s only the future of our country that we’re talking about.
Hold the line, America.