
These Are The Times That Try Men's Souls

July 31st, 2013 11:25 pm
"Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools who don’t have brains enough to be honest.” Benjamin Franklin
July 31, 2013
By: Linda Case Gibbons
          Aren’t you glad you aren’t Anthony Weiner?
          No, not because of what you’re thinking. 
          Not because of the pictures he sent of his private parts. 
          Not his resolute consistency in consistently lying, in saying "not guilty” until someone catches him.  
          Not because we had to watch a man who has the…gall to refuse to resign from Congress when caught with his pants down, so to speak, showing he had zero respect for that fine office.
          Not even because he refused to drop out of the mayoral race in the greatest city in the world, although his mere presence in the race showed he had zero respect for that office as well.  
            No, none of that. It’s because of what terrible parents he and his wife are and no one has mentioned it.
          This guy has an infant in his home, a child who should not be around someone like Weiner. Those who praise Huma for "trying to save her marriage and respect her marriage vows” neglect to mention that this child has to live in the same house with a pervert. 
          Golly, where are child protective services when you need them?
          Weiner has already abused the public’s good nature. Why hasn’t anyone mentioned he is abusing his own child simply by being in the baby’s house while his mother does nothing to protect Baby Jordan, but is on deck when it comes to protecting the Clintons from possible Weiner fallout? 
          No one in the media focused upon any of this, but then again the whole discussion is akin to every discussion that goes on when it comes to liberals and their curious set of values.
          The Weiner scandal moved from here to there. From appropriate disgust by the media and the public in response to the actions of a grown man who still engages in online "flashing,” a disturbing sign of mental illness, and who shockingly held a position of power in our political system and wants to again -- to pushing the blame onto his wife with the media-musing, "Was Huma’s attention to the baby and inattention to Weiner what caused him to ‘stray?’” 
          His lewd and lascivious behavior didn’t start then, but that’s just a fact, why include that?
          Then lickety-split, the media turned its energy to tallying the poll numbers. They asked naively, "can he survive in the race?” but never asked "what would it be like for New York City to have a Muslim First Lady?” 
          Huma Abedin is a practicing Muslim, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it was never focused upon by a media who reports on what Jennifer Anniston had for breakfast.
          Huma was former Secretary of State Hillary’s deputy chief of staff and a Muslim with family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Shouldn’t this be part of the "why did this happen” fact pattern to explain her decision to stand by her man -- like Hillary did? Or, more importantly, why Huma held such an influential position at this time in America’s history and no one delved into her background in any meaningful way? 
           Maybe the reason why Hillary’s right hand woman is coming across as a good Muslim wife, submissive, faithful, obedient and penitent is because that’s what she is.
          Could be, but the media isn’t interested because we are not allowed to use the word Muslim while this president is in the White House, not with the Fort Hood murderer Nidal Hasan and not now with Huma Abedin. 
           I wonder why?
          Last year Abedin had more to worry about than Weiner’s escapades. Someone did actually ask about Huma and the possible implications of her holding a high-level position in the State Department. 
          After Mohamed Morsi rose through the Muslim Brotherhood’s ranks and was elected to the presidency in Egypt, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and four other Congressmen sent a letter to Harold Geisel, the Deputy Inspector General at the Department of State asking about Abedin’s family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
          Unhappily the Congressmen forgot the rule put firmly in place by this administration: Never say Muslim.  
          But nonetheless, Abedin’s story is a riveting one.
          The story goes that after being Abedin’s parents were recruited by Abdullah Omar Naseef, an extremist affiliated with al-Qaeda, they established the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. 
          That organization’s goal is to counter Muslim assimilation in non-Muslim societies and promote the idea of "ummah,” the Muslim "nation” with sharia law as its core. Riveting.
          Her late father also established the IMMA’s Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs which is now run by Abedin’s mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, a pro-sharia sociologist with ties to numerous Islamist organizations, including the Muslim Brotherhood. Riveting. 
           So our Congressmen’s question was a pretty good one.
          But Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) didn’t think so. He slammed Bachmann, but not by name, then leaped to Abedin’s defense. "Huma represents what is best about America,” he said, and that he was proud to call her friend.  
          Hillary chimed in. She said if she had a second daughter, it would be Huma. (She’s a little conflicted now that parallels are being humorously drawn between her "daughter” and Hillary’s tough time with Bill, but that’s another story.)
          In fact the entire government rushed to the defense of Hillary’s aide, while at the same time giving a tongue lashing to the Congressmen who brought up legitimate questions about Muslims in the government. 
          The message? You just don’t treat Muslims that way!
          Then again you could just simply follow the money… 
          When information surfaced about the cost of the Weiner-Abedin wedding, it wasn’t a front-pager about how this "power couple” managed to afford a lavish, six-figure wedding when neither Abedin nor Weiner have the resources to pay for it.
          And once they spent the dough, the media did not pursue why both neglected to disclose the cost in their financial disclosure forms -- a federal violation. 
          Another interesting factoid is that when Abedin left on maternity leave, she was promoted to "special government employee.”
          Why is this interesting? Well, this position made it possible for Abedin to hold two jobs -- work part-time on behalf of the State Department and get full-time pay ($135,000, $155,000 with benefits) and use her security clearance and access to insider trading information to consult on the side for Teneo, a stock and bond trading company for $355,000 annually. We’re not saying she did… 
          Oh yeah, and she also worked for the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation.
          Her "special government employee” status is being investigated by a Senate Committee headed by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA).  
           Grassely stated he was concerned, "that the ‘special government employee’ designation blurs the line between public and private sector employees, especially when employees receive full-time salaries for what appears to be part-time work.”
           That makes sense. 
            But Abedin, like her husband, like the Clintons, sent a letter and said she didn’t do anything wrong, so that cleared that up.
           Are Huma and Anthony both liars? Could  be. Birds of a feather? Certainly. Maybe that’s why Weiner is Weiner and Mrs. Weiner is, too. They’re cut from the same bolt of flawed cloth. 
            McCain wasn’t right about Huma being the best thing that happened to us taxpayers, but then again he’s not right about much.
           Later in a People magazine interview in substantiation of McCain’s praise, Abedin said, "It took a lot of work to get to where (we) are today, but I want people to know we’re a normal family.” 
            But they’re not and if this is her idea of "normal,” they’re not people who should have any role in our government. The fact that they do says volumes about Hillary Clinton, her decision-making ability and the Democratic Party as a whole.
          We know there are no "unintended consequences” during this president’s day in the sun. We’ve heard the phrase all too often with respect to Obamacare, where every day in every way there is an "unintended consequence” to us taxpayers. 
            So Huma’s presence at the high level position she held, then her hop-scotching over to preside with her man over the "target of choice” among jihadists – New York City -- should give us food for thought.
           Is that an unintended consequence, too, or just a really good plan? 
          Hold the line, America.
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