"If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate…Take my word, if 6-8 million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us.”
- Siraj Wohhaj, Grand Imam for Jumah at the Democratic National Convention
By: Linda Case Gibbons
We’ve seen the 2009 Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan’s shooting rampage against U.S. military at Fort Hood declared by this administration as "workplace violence,” not terrorism.
We’ve seen Hasan’s trial drag on for three years to make certain he had his day in court and watched when Hasan grew a beard in violation of Army policy so as to express his religious views and delay the trial.
We might have been surprised that he needed the beard to express his devotion to jihad. We thought he had already done that when he killed 13 and wounded 29 of his unarmed military colleagues. But what do we know.
We may have wondered how the FBI and the DC-based Joint Terrorism Task Force didn’t find a link to terrorism in the some 18 e-mails exchanged from December 2008 and June 2009 between Hasan and Anwar al-Awlaki.
After all al-Awlaki was a recruiter for al Qaeda, who was linked to two terror attacks on the U.S. in 2009 and who was acquainted with three of the 9/11 hijackers. And one of Hasan’s e-mails seemed pretty clear. He told al-Awlaki "I can’t wait to join you.”
But the FBI and the DC Task Force said nah, nothing here, he’s good to go. They viewed the e-mails instead as general questions about spiritual guidance…
We might have been surprised when female defense attorney, Cheryl Bormann, who is not Muslim, turned up in court in Islamic hijab garb to defend her client, one of five Guantanomo Bay prisoners accused of terrorism conspiracy and the murders of 2,976 people in the 9/11 attacks in New York City.
Or when she insisted that other women at the hearing wear "appropriate” clothes out of respect for her client’s Muslim beliefs so that the defendants could remain "focused” on their defense. (The culprit here turned out to be a paralegal with a penchant for short skirts.)
These concessions were requested while the defendants deliberately created a circus atmosphere in court, alternately praying, refusing to speak, refusing to wear headphones, refusing to look at or answer the judge or participate in the proceedings, flipping through magazines and reading the Koran -- but all the while receiving every right afforded to them under the American rule of law.
We’ve seen our language scrubbed of anti-Muslim words by the secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, so that the term "terrorist attack” is replaced by "man-made disaster.”
And this week, when the first person to do the real Moonwalk died, the agency that put a man on the moon, we find, has been turned into an arm of Obama’s Muslim Outreach.
On May 23, 2009 when the president nominated Charles F. Bolden, Jr. to be National Aeronautics and Space Administration administrator, he tasked Bolden with an unusual mission. In a June 2010 interview with Arab news outlet Al Jazeera, Bolden explained.
"Before I became the NASA administrator he (Obama) charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math.
"He wanted me to expand our international relationships and third and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering.”
It was strange, but even more strange was the subsequent denial by the White House that the space agency and Bolden were ever made responsible for reaching out to the Muslim world. Basically they called the guy a liar.
It appears that as soon as the Obama White House surmised that the American public were negative on his new mandate, the administration wasted no time in throwing Bolden under the bus and yes, once again, placed blame on someone else, denying Bolden was ever given the marching orders he described.
But we’re not surprised. It’s not the first time this administration has left someone, somewhere swinging in the breeze to save their own hides.
It is, however, a surprise the lengths to which Obama will go to protect and promote the Muslim religion upon which his father turned his back. Who knows why, but one can wonder.
Following the Arab Spring takeover, President Obama phoned to congratulate President Mursi, head of the Muslim Brotherhood on his victory and to offer continued U.S. support for Egypt’s transition to democracy.
Since then things have gotten decidedly dicey in Egypt.
It was recently reported that Muslim Brotherhood operatives "crucified those opposing Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi, naked on trees in front of the presidential palace.”
Raymond Ibrahim a fellow with the Middle East Forum and the Investigative Project on Terrorism explained: He said the crucifixions are for "anyone who is resisting the new government,” and that "extra brutality is reserved for Christians, but the crucifixions are because of Islamic doctrine and are required by the Koran.”
Center for Security Policy Senior Fellow Clare Lopez further explained that crucifixions are demanded by Islam.
"Crucifixion is a hadd punishment, stipulated in the Koran, Sura 5:33 and therefore an obligatory part of Sharia. It’s been a traditional punishment within Islam since the beginning, even though it’s not exclusively Islamic. The Romans used it, too.”
That’s the last time I remember it. Jesus. I didn’t think things like this existed outside that age of brutality. Apparently they do in Egypt.
"So the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood haven’t the option to not include crucifixion within their legal code,” Lopez said. "It’s obligatory to comply with Sharia.”
She then compared the coming treatment of Egypt’s Christians to the treatment of the Christians to the Jews in Germany.
"The Copts must get out of Egypt as soon as possible – for the many millions who will not be able to get out, I expect things will continue to deteriorate – just as they did for Germany’s and Europe’s Jews from the 1930s onward.
"The warnings were there long before the ghettos and round-ups and one-way train trips to the concentration camps began in the 1940s,” she said.
Faced with the fact that the Koran is the holy book of the Muslims and that, as with the Bible, it provides guidance for those who follow their own religion, is it any wonder Americans are determined Sharia law never become part of the United States legal fabric and that Muslims in accordance with their religious precepts are sworn to make sure that it will.
Is it any wonder that Americans feel nervous when lawmakers such as Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) publicly support Sharia law in total contradiction to her oath to protect the U.S. Constitution? When she dismisses Republican opposition to Sharia law as mere fear mongering and bigotry, especially when we have educated ourselves as to what Sharia law includes?
So that is why when it was announced that there would be "Jumah at the Democratic National Convention” Aug, 31-Sept. 1, and it was listed as an "official function,” this time I was surprised.
Special events are listed, starting off with Friday afternoon Jumah prayer led by Siraj Wohhaj, Grand Imam for Jumah at the Democratic National Convention. (See his quote at the head of this article.)
According to the schedule, a protest will be directed at the Patriot Act, the NYPD's Illegal Surveillance and the fear of Islamophobia. Anti-Sharia will be represented as a bigoted restriction against the religious freedom of Muslims. And a good time is expected to be had by all, described as "Color Me Muslim Cultural Fun Fest.”
The stated purpose of the event is to attract national and international attention to the plight of American Muslims and hold political parties accountable for issues that affect Muslims
The leaders of the event, Jibril Hough and Imam Siraj Whhaj are not moderates,” Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, founder and president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy said. "These individuals embrace Islamist supremacy and have demonstrated support for radical ideologies.”
So, there are things I know. I do not want Sharia law. I feel Muslims have been treated well in our country. I believe the terrorists who killed innocent people on 9/11 should be called terrorists and punished accordingly. I know the goal of Islam is to defeat the infidels – that’s us. And I believe Muslims and all of us are darn lucky to be living in such a fair country as America – just the way it is.
And I will not listen to my country being trashed anymore by people who have an agenda.
One has only to watch the Republican Convention and hear the uplifting rags-to- riches stories from the women speakers to know that we are an inclusive nation which offers extraordinary opportunity.
Among these women were two governors, a mayor, and a secretary of state, all whose parents started out humbly, worked hard and grabbed the American dream.
It is important to remember: Our doors have always been open to people who love this country and want to be part of it, not destroy it and we will not listen to anyone who says otherwise not anymore.
So when a man like Obama decides that Muslims need the platform provided by the Democratic National Convention to tell Americans what we have not done for them and what they need and how they have suffered in America, it is clear to me that his judgment is flawed, that he once again has pushed through his agenda under the radar as he done so many times before and that our country’s best interests are the very last thing on his mind, once again
It is clear he must be defeated at the polls before he does any more damage than he already has. So Gov. Mitt Romney, love him or not, has to be our unified choice for president in the coming election.
After all, we have had enough warnings about the guy occupying the Oval Office to know, as a journalist said last week in Newsweek, it’s time to "Hit the Road, Barack.”
Hold the line, America.