November 14, 2018
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
Robert Frost and Emmanuel Macron are both dead wrong. Frost when he wrote, "There is something that doesn't love a wall." And French President Macron when he said, "Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism."
Last week Macron chose to say exactly that about Nationalism, and more. And he said it in front of 60 world leaders who were in Paris to commemorate the anniversary of World War I.
And in front of President Trump.
"Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism," he said. "By saying, 'Our interests first,' 'Who cares about others?' we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what makes it great and what is essential. Its moral values.
"I know there are old demons which are coming back to the surface. They are ready to wreak chaos and death," he continued. "History sometimes threatens to take its sinister course once again."
He was implying the term "Nationalism" is tied to Hitler. The same mantra CNN and the Liberal Left chants.
About Trump.
He was implying that open borders are the best borders, while history tells us, "When the barbarians are at the gate, you'd better be ready, because they're not coming for tea and croissants."
But apparently Macron is okay with the idea of "Mi casa, su casa." With a multitude of Muslims praying publicly in the streets of Paris. With "French Muslim No Go Zones," where women aren't welcome. With one suburb, Sevran, which is notorious as one of France's leading exporters of jihadists;
And with a shocking number of Islamic terrorist attacks in France: Murders at Charlie Hebdo. Assassination of French Catholic priest Jacques Hamel on the altar. And the slaying of police officer Jean-Baptiste Savaig at his home. And so many more.
The Trojans weren't very smart when it came to Greeks bearing gifts, and they lost the war. Trump wants to keep America safe, and he doesn't plan on losing The War. He's calling that Nationalism, and it includes building a wall to keep out Trojan horses.
Despite what Liberals tell you, a "wall" is not just Trump's idea. The Chinese built the Great Wall of China to keep out marauding Huns. Roman Emperor Hadrian built a wall in 122 A.D. to keep the Picts out of the Roman province of Britannia.
In fact, according to David Frye's book, Walls: A History of Civilization in Blood and Brick, people have been building walls for 12,000 years. The first were city walls like the walls of Jericho, the city of the Bible. Then in the late 2000's B.C., there were border walls. All were built for the same reason that Trump wants a wall: Citizens want to go to sleep at night without worrying about being killed in their beds.
That sounds to me like the correct definition of "Nationalism," which sounds like old-fashioned horse sense.
The Mid-term elections produced a gaggle of new politicians who exhibit the same disdain for the U.S. as those who storm our country's borders.
Those who carry flags of their countries, while burning ours. While shouting anti-American slogans. Who demand entry to our country as their right to pursue "a better way of life."
London Lamar, lately elected to the Tennessee state legislature is one of the America-haters, calling white GOP voters "uneducated," and the whole state of Tennessee "racist."
Michigan Democrat Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, a Muslim, wrapped herself in the Palestinian flag after her victory, and tweeted that her "First fight was for Palestine, always Palestine."
These and other Socialist candidates make no mention of America First. Not ever. Macron would love them.
Remember Frost also wrote in "Mending Walls," "Good fences make good neighbors." And they do. Without borders there is no country.
Strong borders makes it possible for our citizens to live in their own country without fear. To shut down illegal immigration and the drain it imposes on our country's resources. To stop the free flow of illegal drugs from dangerous drug cartels.
And to keep the Barbarians from the Gates.
Contrary to Emmanuel Macron's claim, this is "Nationalism," and it will keep our citizens safe.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All