January 23, 2019
By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.
Walls aren't immoral. They're walls.
What is immoral is not doing your job.
The whole reason we elect members to Congress is for them to be "First Responders." For us. To do what needs to be done. For us. For the good of our country.
And to show up for work.
It turns out the new bunch of Democrat Congress-people are only good at Cussin' and Runnin'.
Back in 2011, Democrats resisted Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker by running to Ohio to sabotoge a vote on collective bargaining.
Now Democrats in Congress are doing the same thing. All to avoid funding The Wall.
We've always been told, "You can solve it at the voting booth." But that isn't true. After we voted for Donald Trump in 2016, we were advised, "You can't have that."
That president. That American history. Those historic American statues. Those paintings of American heroes. That Wall.
"Sure, illegal immigrants may have killed Americans," Liberals tell us, "but it's not their fault."
It's yours.
And when the homeless, the poor and people of color commit property and other crimes, guess whose fault that is? Not theirs.
It's the New Criminal Law. One for them, another for you. They're calling it "Survival Crimes," and the claim is that to enforce laws against these innocent criminals would violate their human rights of survival.
Obama started all this. Whatever this is. Being raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. In his Cairo speech, blaming America for its rampant colonialization. Honing it in "Weather Underground Terrorist" Bill Ayers living room, while campaigning for the Senate. And now it's taking off, with a bunch of Little Obamas.
Creeping Socialism.
Little by little, we are losing our customs, our history, our language. Our country.
Chip, chip, chip, Americans are being prevented from exercising the rights they were promised in the Bill of Rights.
To speak freely. To assemble freely. To wear the hat of your choice.
According to Media Research Center's founder, Brent Bozell, you'll be kicked off Twitter if you "Deadname," that is, refer to a trans person by their former name. And "Misgendering," calling someone by a pronoun they don't use, is definitely verboten.
Whole parts of the country have become "No Go Zones," like Muslim stronghold neighborhoods in Britain where even the police dare not go.
Two Marines, Alejandro Godinez and Luis Torres, were brutally beaten by an Antifa mob in Philly, just because they happened to be in a city where a conservative rally was being held.
Teenage students from Covington Catholic School in Kentucky were confronted by a group of Black Hebrew Israelites, who called them "crackers, faggots, incest babies and pedophiles," and by an Indigenous-Elder-Vietnam-Vet, (who isn't a Vietnam vet, corrected from what the media said).
The scary Tribal Leader, Nathan Phillips, brazenly stood inches from one of the students, Nick Sandmann, banging a drum in his face.
The kids were in D.C. on a class trip to support a March for Life rally. Near the Lincoln Memorial. In their nation's capital.
NBC's Today show's host Savannah Guthrie interviewed Sandmann, and asked if he wanted to apologize.
She asked if it might have been better if he hadn't worn a Make America Great Again hat.
"That's possible," the well-spoken, mannerly Sandmann said, "but I would have to assume what Mr. Phillips was thinking, and I'd rather let him speak for why he came up to us."
Something Liberals and their media should do, instead of speculating and rushing to judgment.
And she asked if he should have left the scene.
"I had every right to be there," Sandmann replied. "My position is that I was respectful to Mr. Phillips. I respect him. I would like to talk to him."
Hollywood and Liberals responded. They blamed the kids.
And why wouldn't they?These are the folks who support killing children before they are born, while delighting in showing off their "Baby Bump" children on the Red Carpet, but then viciously ridiculing children who showed remarkable maturity and restraint, while being scared to death in the midst of a mob.
These are people like Disney film producer Jack Morrissey, of Beauty and the Beast fame, who joked about "MAGA kids" going "screaming, hats first into a woodchipper, accompanying his tweet with an image from the movie Fargo, of a person's blood spurting from a woodchopper. This is a guy who makes movies for children.
This is all a part of the Socialist Grand Plan to destroy America and its Christian and conservative values, a movement which got a shot in the arm from Obama, but which has turned into a strong argument against it and Democrat/Liberals;
Against Fake News and Lazy, Salty-Mouthed Democrats;
And in favor of the undeniable benefits of a good Catholic education. Too bad DeNiro and Ocasio-Cortez aren't able to speak as eloquently and elegantly as the kids from Covington Catholic.
Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots