
December 28th, 2022 5:01 pm
December 28, 2022

Whoppi Goldberg is a puzzle. Her claims about the Holocaust can be confusing. Mostly because she's talking about it at all.

Why is she?

On the View she said the Holocaust was not about race, but man's inhumanity to man, then she retracted her statement after her bosses "retracted" Whoopi from her job.

I don't get it. But now, this week, she's at it again. claiming in an interview with the Sunday Times of London that the extermination of Jews during the Holocaust wasn't racially motivated.

What Whoopi should be doing is addressing her physical appearance, not because she looks so odd, but because she looks ill.

Everyone loved Whoopi. She was always controversial, and that's okay. She made great movies and she was healthy, but now she's not. Maybe it's affecting her views which she so violently shares. On The View.

Hang tough.
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