
October 19th, 2022 3:09 pm
October 19, 2022

You might not know Selena Montgomery, but that is Stacey Abrams' nom de plume for the steamy romance novels she has written. But you would certainly recognize her flair for the fantastic when she says that abortion is largely an economic issue.

"Let's be clear," she told MSNBC's Morning Joe today. "Having children is why you're worried about your price for gas. It's why you're concerned about how much food costs."

"For women in Georgia, this is very much a question of whether they're going to end up in poverty in the next five years. Because women who are forced to carry unwanted pregnancies, they are four times more likely to be impoverished in five years."

As the Democrat Party loves to do, Abrams is using women, particularly black women, and depicting them as people who are unable to make sensible relationship decisions, have a baby, and hold a job, without ending up in the poorhouse.

Who's the racist here? And who doesn't get it when it comes to the economy? And she wants to be governor.

Hang tough.

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