
May 26th, 2021 12:13 pm
May 26, 2021

If you're one of those Right Wing nuts, who likes to eat steak and burgers, and doesn't think cows should be bullied for their flatulence, you're not going to like the latest.

Cicadas are making a comeback. They do it every 13 to 17 years.

They're blind.That's sad. They come back to mate, and the mating-humming sound they make isn't all that annoying.

What's annoying is Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethicss "Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Global Food Policy and Ethics" Jessica Fanzo. She eats them, and she thinks we should, too.

She says they taste a little like shrimp and maybe asparagus, and that people around the world already eat bugs, like in Mexico. They eat crickets.

Maybe that's why they are making the trip to live in the U.S. They say it's bad luck to kill a cricket. I wonder what happens when you eat one.

Hang tough.


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