
July 21st, 2021 7:33 pm
July 21, 2021

If you think it's bad listening to two National Anthems at a football game, wait until you have to eat ice cream that hates Jews.

This week Ben & Jerry announced they will no longer sell their product in Palestinian Occupied Territory. That's Israel.

Stores pulled their products, but liberal activism has always been standard practice for these ice cream moguls.

They back Black Lives Matter, and their boycott of Israel lines up with the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctons (BDS), a movement to end international support for Israel's "oppression of Palestinians."

The Squad, outspoken opponents to Israel, have pushed BDS's agenda in Congress, so they're probably loving this.

So while some stores have decided to no longer carry B&J, you can be sure Rashida Tlaib, Sandy Ocasio-Cortez and The Squad will still be eating Chunky Monkey. But the rest of us? 

Eat Breyer's. It's all natural, costs a lot less, and doesn't give you political acid reflux.

Hang tough.

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