
September 9th, 2020 5:22 pm
September 9, 2020

You've probably said it a million times: "Walter Reed Medical Center."  But who is Walter Reed?

We name airports and streets. Schools and buildings for them. It's what we do to honor a person we respect for what they've done. But over the passage of time, we may forget who they were and what they did.

Walter Reed was a U.S. Army physician, and a medical investigator in the 1890's.

His research resulted in confirming Dr. Carlos Finlay's theory that Yellow Fever was trasmitted by a particular mosquito.

As a result of the research, death rates fell, and work was able to be resumed on the buildng of the Panama Canal.

Who knew.

But next time you hear about our vets being at "Walter Reed," it will have a whole new meaning.

Besides being the place the Washington Post lied about, when the paper claimed President Trump was being treated there after several "mini strokes" on Sept. 1, when in reality he went there for part of his physical exam.

Be that as it may, monuments remind of who we are and from whence we came. That's why we should protect them. It's our history. It would be nice if the media reported it accurately.

Hang tough.
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