
October 7th, 2020 5:23 pm
October 7, 2020

If you were worrying about the Democrat Party leaning too, too left. Or worried about the whole "Democrat/Socialist" thing, your worries are over.

Russian President Putin says he's fine with Democrats and that he looks forward to working with Joe Biden.

It's because, he says, of the "common ground" he has with Democrats," over a "shared embrace of Soviet ideology."

What does that even mean?

It could mean he's looking forward to working with Joe because Joe's son took $3 million doillars from a former mayor's wife in Putin's Russia, and Putin thinks "that's my boy!"

Or it could mean that he can work well with Kamala Harris, because, though he may be many things, Vladimir Putin isn't blind and deaf, and he knows Joe will be lucky if makes it to Election Day, healthwise.

As for the "Harris-Biden ticket," Putin and the world knows Harris doesn't stand for anything -- at all -- like Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama, and that is exactly the kind of American Russia thinks is fine and dandy.

The world has been watching America, and it's safe to bet Putin has heard Joe's rambling speeches and knows what they mean. His gaffes. His creepy fondness for sniffing women's hair.

Weak. That's the kind of candidate Putin could definitely work with.

He wanted Hillary. He liked Obama, and he will love poor, clueless Joe.

Hang tough.



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