
January 6th, 2021 3:43 pm
January 6, 2021

How does that work?

Democrats rig an election, and when 75 million people feel outraged and disgusted with its government and its courts for doing nothing, despite clear eyewitness evidence of fraud, the thieves get to be mad at the people they disenfranchised?

Then 75 million people are supposed to just shut up?

Anyone who doesn't believe the violence in DC today was a set up, hasn't been paying attention for the past four years.

When facts about the rally shake out, Deep State Democrats will be at the bottom of it, using the thugs they never blame, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, to infiltrate a peaceful Trump rally.

After all, it's the way they do business when Trump is involved. Ask James Comey and Hillary Clinton.

And while you're at it, ask the media who are "shocked and saddened" today, why they never reported when Antifa and Black Lives Matter burned DC businesses, and everything in sight,  to the ground last year, and when they beat the heck out of peaceful Trump supporters many times in the past.

Ask Congressmen from both sides of the aisle why they're not outraged at voter fraud in a federal election.

And ask Facebook and Twitter why Trump's message to protestors to go home in peace was removed.

This is what we are up against. This was always the plan. God bless America. And God bless Donald Trump. 

Hang tough.
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