
July 7th, 2021 1:55 pm
July 7, 2021

President Reagan was right. The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: "I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help."

On Wednesday, son of a gun, if President Joe didn't say words to that effect.

Joe is sending G-men door-to-door to check on those who haven't been vaccinated. But, interestingly, not to ones who have been. So it's not a Good Will visit.

But you shouldn't think It's intimidation. Press secretary Jen Psaki has told CNN New Day it definitely is not.

"It's to protect the American people and save lives," she said, adding that "It's up to every indivudual to decide whether they're going to get vaccinated."

Yes, Jen. Yes it is.

And Florida state representatuve Anthony Sabatini tweeted something bold -- and interesting, “Any Federal government employee that goes door to door pushing vaccination should be treated as a trespasser and ARRESTED.” 

Yes, Rep. Sabatini, they should.

Hang tough. 



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