
May 29th, 2024 3:47 pm
May. 29, 2024

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hasn't been this weepy since she mixed the wrong Harvey Wallbanger for a customer, and forgot to add the Galliano L'Autetuico to what turned out to be just an ordinary Screwdriver. (I Googled the recipe. AOC wouldn't know how.)

She's fit to be tied, sputtering her distress when the constituents in her district, whom she ignores, eagerly embraced Donald Trump in a rally in her Bronx last week. She said he was bussing people in, taking money to pay his legal bills, and was broke.

Aw. We know. But realistically she should be unhappy. She couldn't draw a crowd like Trump did, 20,000-plus, and the last two times she went "home" for a Town Hall, they booed her mercilessly, protesters holding up signs saying, "Stop Funding Ukraine," "AOC: An Obvious Criminal," and "AOC: Stop Pushing Drag Queen Story Hour."

She may be proud to be a member of an America-Hating-Squad, but Trump's a member of the Everyday-Guy-Who-Worked-for-his-Money Americans, and guess who it is they prefer? 

Hang tough.

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