
March 6th, 2024 2:56 pm
March 6, 2024

I wonder why it took Nikki so long to find out she's really a Democrat? She quit the race for the presidency today, which disappointed a lot of people.

People like Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, the usual RINO-Trump haters and backers. People on Fox. Even though Donald Trump did super duper on Super Tuesday, you'd think he didn't if you watched Martha and Bret on Fox. It was their usual routine.

The twosome are so non-Trumpists, that it's impossible to watch them cover him. They reported less on Super Tuesday results, and switched over to what he would say about Nikki. Hoping he'd be better than in the past. And they actually asked Carl Rove what he thought! Carl hasn't been right about anything political since Hector was a pup. (I really don't know what that means.)

Anyhow now Nikki can be silenced on her "I have no platform except hating Trump," and we can get ready for what's ahead. Hang on. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

Hang tough.
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