
December 20th, 2023 12:02 pm
December 20, 2023

One thing Trump was responsible for during his time as president, was making the radical liberals come out into the daylight.

And have they ever. Anti-Semitism is rampant. Hatred for white people has never been so popular.

At a time of year when great  holiday movies that uplift the spirit are played again, The Bishop's Wife, The Bells of Saint Mary, It's a Wonderful Life, the black community has produced The American Society of Magical Negroes, which is described by the producers as a "satirical comedy" about a secret society of magical negroes who make sure whites are happy so negroes are safe.

"Uncomfortable white people are the mast dangerous animals on the planet,"  is one of the jokes.

And "white people feeling uncomfortable precedes a lot of bad stuff for us. That's why we fight white discomfort every day. Because the happier they are, the safer we are!" the main character played by David Alen Grier explains.

But one critic in a conservative Latino group wasn't buying the "satirical" thing, and said what a lot of people were thinking, "Imagine any other Hollywood film, influencer, journalist, public figure saying something like this about another race of people while still pretending to be the good guy in the story."

Absolutely! Why that movie is just as insulting as imagining a big city mayor holding a "Electeds of Color Only" party, which specifically excludes white people. It's a good thing that could never happen in America.

Hang tough.

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