
May 8th, 2024 4:17 pm
May 8, 2024

So how about those pseudo-students and Soros paid rioters? They create holy hell while some of them are studying to become lawyers, then want their finals to be postponed because they are traumatized.

Which brings to mind Paul Revere. Riding through the night to alert the colonists and the Sons of Liberty that the British were coming, Revere ran into some Brits.

They confiscated his horse, and what did he do? He didn't call an Uber, or ask that the Revolution be postponed. He walked to Lexington. And arrived in time for the last part of the Battle of Lexington. The first battle of the War for Independence.

So what will your lawyer do for his country, when he graduates, and you hire him, after he protests for Palestine? Maybe instead of graduating these ingrates,we should send them to Palestine to experience life under Hamas, wearing those cute checkered scarves.

Or they can go to Shiraz University in Iran, a school which offered jobs and scholarships to pro-terrorist students and professors facing disciplinary action for protesting against the U.S., showing gratitude for these Americans making the way smooth for terrorist activities.

Or maybe they could study the history of their country, and learn about what real Americans, like Paul Revere do for the country they love.

Hang tough.
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