
May 15th, 2024 2:22 pm
May 15, 2024

There are some of you that might be saying, "New Jersey Sen. Menendez' trial starts today? Didn't we already do that?"

Well, yes and no. He was up on charges before, but this time it's for the gold bars and a jacket stuffed with thousands of dollars that were found in the Menendez home. His wife, Nadine, said she inherited the gold bars from her deceased mother. Yeah. but no.

And yes, Nadine, was driving a Mercedes, from some "out-of-towners" who were grateful to Mendez for who knows why.

Well, actually, we do know why. Prosecutors say Menendez were given the gifts in exchange for the senator providing political favors and aid to the governments of Egypt and Qatar.

Like The Donald, Menendez' trial is in New York City. I wonder if he'll get the same treatment from his judge that Trump has been given. At least the senator knows what he's being charged with. Trump has yet to learn, two weeks into his trial.

Hang tough.

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