
May 22nd, 2024 3:25 pm
May 22, 2024

Sometimes, when you have a minute, you might wonder, "Why do we pay for National Public Radio?" And along with that, you might ponder, "Why do we have the United Nations at all, especially in New York? Where we foot the bill!"

They're good questions, especially since both NPR and the U.N. hate America. And especially this week when the Security Council at the U.N.held a moment of silence at the passing of Iran's President Raisi, and the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Robert Wood, stood for the occasion.

Iran is a terrorist-supporting nation, and, like NPR and the U.N., hates America. 

Couple this with the antics we saw played out in the courtroom of Judge Merchan this week, silencing attorney for the defense, Robert Costello, in the Donald Trump trial, and having a war of words and a "Don't stare at me" contest with Costello, it's clear we're going down the tubes.

It's so bad that even when prosecution witness Michael Cohen admitted stealing thousands of dollars from Donald Trump, and admitted that he paid the so called "hush money" from his own home equity loan, and that The Donald knew nothing about it, no one batted an eyelash.

We're all too tired.

Hang tough.

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