
June 5th, 2024 2:11 pm
June 5, 2024

Joe not only holds the Guinness World Record for letting millions of illegal immigrants into our country, but he's also the guy who loves to put Non-Criminals in jail.

A lot of them are tangentially attached to Trump, Trump CEO Allen Weisselberg, former Trump Trade Adviser Peter Navarro, but some are not.

Some are just attached to God. Like Paulette Harlow. Harlow is a 75-year-old woman who was just sentenced to two years in jail for praying outside a late-term abortion clinic in Washington D.C.

When Mrs. Harlow's husband expressed concern for his wife because of her many health problems, and begged the court for mercy, Judge Kollar-Kotelly mocked both Harlow and her husband.

She said she hoped Harlow "would make an effort to remain alive," because that is "a tenet of her religion."

Harlow also worries about her health while incarcerated. Nonetheless she says she's going to be okay.

"I'm with God," she said. "I have a wonderful husband, wonderful friends and family and supporters all over the place. Pray for those mothers that do not have that kind of support and go up to the abortion clinics.

"It's what God tells us to do," she said, explaining about her actively supporting pro-life issues, "but it's just a matter of humanity. Why would any counry be killing off their own?"

Maybe Paulette Harlow is tengentally attached to Trump after all. Like Trump, she refused to give up. And, like Trump, she believes in the sanctity of life.

Hang tough.


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