
June 12th, 2024 6:57 pm
June 12, 2024

In a world where "Gee. There are so many terrible things," Hunter Biden's trial didn't really address how his bad behavior could have been even worse. His ex and his girlfriend both said they scoured his car and found crack and drug paraphenalis, and were frightened for their kids.

As well they should. But how about Hunter? He wasn't DWD, Drinking While Dialing. He was DWD. Drugging While Driving. He could have killed someone.

Lawyers never emphasized that. There was so many more terrible things that Hunter has done, millions of dollars in unpaid alimony to former wife Kathleen, trying to wiggle out of child support to his daughter Navy, while paying hookers millons.

And now a Dad-Just-Looking-Out-for-His-Son Joe says Hunter is the victim.

Why are we not surprised?

Hang tough.
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