
June 19th, 2024 2:50 pm
June 19, 2024

At least with the Mafia you knew what you were getting. And, believe or not, people in Mafia boss John Gotti's Howard Beach neighborhood loved him. Around a thousand of his supporters would gather around the courthouse during his various trials.

Teflon Dapper Don Gotti wore impeccable suits and sported daily haircuts. It was rumored that he kept a fresh suit available to change into during lunch breaks at his trials. 

There are so many similarities between Gotti and Joe Biden, that it's stunning. The way they wear their hats. The way they sip their tea.

Gotti's declared income as a plumbing supply salesman was $100,000 dollars. His actual income was more than $10 million in cash, and $1 million dollars from construction industry shakedowns.

Joe claimed to be the poorest senator in Congress, and has never reported income that comes anywhere near what he pays out for expensive clothes, his mansions in Delaware, or what's in his shell company accounts. If you look what he spends and what he says he makes, there's probably gonna' be interesting. Maybe Congress should take a look.

Joe and Gotti seem to operate from the same play book.The only difference is people liked John Gotti.

Hang tough.
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