
July 3rd, 2024 4:03 pm
July 3, 2024

Rosie O'Donnell is still carrying a grudge against Donald Trump. Well, he did actually say she was fat. And even though she really is fat, it probably still hurt.

This week Rosie, whose talk show TV fans used to love, was anything but the way she used to be when we liked her. She interpreted the recent Supreme Court Immunity holding in a way that only a liberal could.

"Apparently a president is above the law, and he could hire anyone to kill anyone and be immune from prosecution," Rosie said. Of course that isn't true. She didn't read the opinion, or if she did, she's not too bright. Immunity is for presidential actions, not for non-presidential actions.

Anyone would know that. If a sitting president were indicted every time he made a decision, that would make the president unable to do his job as president. Rosie knows this. So does Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow who ranted similar nonsense.

But that's the way these people think, and the best thing to do is ignore them. The best thing they can do is read a Supreme Court decision before commenting on it.

Anyone would know that.

Hang tough.

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