
July 17th, 2024 3:11 pm
July 17, 2024

We're told "Don't Worry, Be Happy," because the FBI and the head of the Secret Service will investigate the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Why don't we feel all warm and fuzzy about that? Well, for starters, the FBI are the folks who raided Mar-a-Lago, and later admitted they planted "Classified Documents" arrayed on the floor, supposedly left there by Trump.

They were the investigators who came two weeks after the attack on the consultate in Benghazi. To investigate the scene for Secretary of State "What difference does it make" Hillary Clinton.

And it was the FBI who were unable to find who left the cocaine in the White House, and held onto Hunter's Laptop From Hell for years.

As for Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle, does it make you wonder how effective Cheatle will be given the fact that Not-a-Dr. Jill liked her so much she recommended that Kim be made the head of the Secret Service? And do you wonder how objective she will be in investigating the assassination attempt on Donald Trump with Jill as her buddy? 

Just wondering.

Hang tough.
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